I have an XSD that defines a complexType (say 'FooType'), and several named instances of this type scattered throughout the same XSD, like:
<element name="A" type="tns:FooType"/>
<element name="B" type="tns:FooType"/>
When working with an XML file derived from the XSD, I want to find all element nodes that of the type "tns:FooType". I think this is possible using XPath with the element(*, "FooType) method, but I can't find any examples of this so don't know what the syntax would look like. I'm hoping to use this with the Java dom4j selectNodes() method.
You need an XPath 2.0 implementation. DOM4J is 1.0 only, and so is javax.xml.xpath. Saxon provides 2.0, but I believe this specific capability is not part of the open source edition.