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VB.Net IEnumerator(Of Integer, MyClass) not possible?

How do I return a IEnumerator of a SortedDictionary(Of Integer, MyClass)

I have this.

Dim dictionaryTest As New SortedDictionary(Of Integer, MyClass)
Dim enumerator As IEnumerator(Of Integer, MyClass) = dictionaryTest.GetEnumerator() '<- not possible.

I want a function like

public function getTestEnumerator() as IEnumerator(Of Integer, MyClass)
   return dictionaryTest.GetEnumerator()
end function

Error generated in IDE
'System.Collections.IEnumerator' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments.


  • Dim dictionaryTest As New SortedDictionary(Of Integer, MyClass)

    Answer is replace

    Dim enumerator As IEnumerator(Of Integer, MyClass) = dictionaryTest.GetEnumerator() '<- not possible.


    Dim enumerator As IEnumerator(Of KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Myclass)) = dictionaryTest.GetEnumerator()