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How to use Jquery Validation Engine to validate CLEditor (html editor) inputs

How do I use the jquery.validationEngine plugin to validate CLEditor wysiwyg editor inputs? I am trying to validate an html editor input on form submission using the specific jquery plug-ins referenced.


  • This is the solution that I came up with. You can also get a copy from pastebin

    <-- PLEASE, vote if it was helpful.

        // Include all the jquery, jquery ui, cleditor, and validation-engine CSS and javascript library files here
        <script type="text/javascript">
        // object used to store the validation states of any html editor textarea inputs used on the page
        var editorStates = new Object();
        // add one property/value for each textarea id that you are using on this page..
        // in this example there are going to be three diferent editor inputs:
            // ==========================================================================
            // initialize the cleditor object(s) for the textarea(s) used on this page...
            // ==========================================================================
                // initialize the 'your_textarea_id_1' textarea and store the cleditor object in the 'your_textarea_id_1_editor' variable...  
                var your_textarea_id_1_editor = $("#your_textarea_id_1").cleditor({
                    width:        650, // width not including margins, borders or padding
                    height:       220, // height not including margins, borders or padding
                    controls:     // controls to add to the toolbar
                    "bold italic underline | font size " +
                    "style | color highlight removeformat | bullets numbering | outdent " +
                    "indent | alignleft center alignright justify | pastetext source",
                }).change(function (){
                    if(editorStates['your_textarea_id_1']==false){ // input has been validated as false so need to check it as user types so the flag goes away when appropriate...
                        valid_editor_text('your_textarea_id_1'); // re-validate this input
                // initialize the 'your_textarea_id_2' textarea and store the cleditor object in the 'your_textarea_id_2_editor' variable...  
                var your_textarea_id_2_editor = $("#your_textarea_id_2").cleditor({
                    width:        650, // width not including margins, borders or padding
                    height:       220, // height not including margins, borders or padding
                    controls:     // controls to add to the toolbar
                    "bold italic underline | font size " +
                    "style | color highlight removeformat | bullets numbering | outdent " +
                    "indent | alignleft center alignright justify | pastetext source",
                }).change(function (){
                    if(editorStates['your_textarea_id_2']==false){ // input has been validated as false so need to check it as user types so the flag goes away when appropriate...
                        valid_editor_text('your_textarea_id_2'); // re-validate this input
                // initialize the 'your_textarea_id_etc' textarea and store the cleditor object in the 'your_textarea_id_etc_editor' variable...  
                var your_textarea_id_etc_editor = $("#your_textarea_id_etc").cleditor({
                    width:        650, // width not including margins, borders or padding
                    height:       220, // height not including margins, borders or padding
                    controls:     // controls to add to the toolbar
                    "bold italic underline | font size " +
                    "style | color highlight removeformat | bullets numbering | outdent " +
                    "indent | alignleft center alignright justify | pastetext source",
                }).change(function (){
                    if(editorStates['your_textarea_id_etc']==false){ // input has been validated as false so need to check it as user types so the flag goes away when appropriate...
                        valid_editor_text('your_textarea_id_etc'); // re-validate this input
            // ==========================================================================
            // initialize the jquery validation-engine
            // ==========================================================================
                // Note: 'mainform' is the id value of the form element that contains the three textarea inputs
                //       Replace this with the id value of YOUR form id!
                jQuery("#mainform").validationEngine('attach', {
                    onValidationComplete: function(form, status){
                            // Note: 'status' will already be true/false based on the validation results of any other inputs that you
                            //       are validating using the typical validation methods provided by the validationEngine plugin.
                            // Now we need to validate the textarea (cleditor html editor) inputs...
                            //  validate the 'your_textarea_id_1' textarea input
                            if( your_textarea_id_1_editor[0].sourceMode() == false ){
                                // in editor mode, need to update the hidden textarea input
                            if(! valid_editor_text('your_textarea_id_1') ){ // <-- pass the textarea id value to the 'valid_editor_text' function
                                // The validation on this input failed...
                                status=false; // prevent the form from submitting
                            //  validate the 'your_textarea_id_2' textarea input
                            if( your_textarea_id_2_editor[0].sourceMode() == false ){
                                // in editor mode, need to update the hidden textarea input
                            if(! valid_editor_text('your_textarea_id_2') ){ // <-- pass the textarea id value to the 'valid_editor_text' function
                                // The validation on this input failed...
                                status=false; // prevent the form from submitting
                            //  validate the 'your_textarea_id_etc' textarea input
                            if( your_textarea_id_etc_editor[0].sourceMode() == false ){
                                // in editor mode, need to update the hidden textarea input
                            if(! valid_editor_text('your_textarea_id_etc') ){ // <-- pass the textarea id value to the 'valid_editor_text' function
                                // The validation on this input failed...
                                status=false; // prevent the form from submitting
                            // submit if there are no validation errors
                            if(status == true){
                                form.validationEngine('detach'); // prevents an endless loop
                                form.submit(); // form is valid, now submit it
        }); // end doc ready
        // ============================================================================
        // The 'valid_editor_text' function
        // This function does the actual validation of the textarea (html editor) input 
        // ============================================================================
            function valid_editor_text(inputID){        
                str = $('#'+inputID).val();
                // Note: str contains the value of the textarea input so do whatever validations you need
                //       against that.  Return true if it's valid or false if it isn't.
                // Right now I am just checking to make sure that the user entered anything at all ...
                // remove any <br>, <br />, &nbsp;, {spaces}, and/or {newlines} from the beginning of the string
                // just to make sure the user typed some actual text instead of random spaces and enter keys (aka nothing)
                str = str.replace(/^(?:<[Bb][Rr](?: \/)?>|\&[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp];|\n| )+/g,'');
                if(str.length > 0){
                    console.log("valid_editor_text('"+inputID+"')"+' returning true');
                    // hide any previous prompts on this input
                    return true;
                    console.log("valid_editor_text('"+inputID+"')"+' returning false');
                    // need to display the validation message for this input
                    $('#'+inputID+'_prompt_location').validationEngine('showPrompt', 'This field is required.', 'required', 'topRight', true);
                    return false;
    <form action="" method="post" name="mainform" id="mainform">
    <!-- Add a placeholder div that is used to target the position of a validation message if the validation fails
         The id value is the value of your textarea id with '_prompt_location' appended, like so.. -->
    <div id="your_textarea_id_1_prompt_location"></div>
    <!-- Finally, the textarea input that is causing all this fuss .. -->
    <textarea id="your_textarea_id_1" name="your_textarea_id_1"></textarea>
    <!-- repeat for the other textareas you are using .. -->
    <div id="your_textarea_id_2_prompt_location"></div>
    <textarea id="your_textarea_id_2" name="your_textarea_id_2"></textarea>
    <div id="your_textarea_id_etc_prompt_location"></div>
    <textarea id="your_textarea_id_etc" name="your_textarea_id_etc"></textarea>
    <p>Here is a standard text input to demo how typical validation works along with our custom ..<br />
    <input type="text" name="a_standard_input" id="a_standard_input" value="" class="validate[required]" />
    <input type="submit" name="b1" value="Submit this form!" />
    <!-- Note:  the validation occurs when the form is submitted via submit button or javascript (not shown) -->