I'm trying to implement a simple animation using Jquery Spritely. The problem is that on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari everything works fine. But on IE I got the follow error: 'Can not get property 'replace' of undefined reference or null'
The fiddle is here
<div class="container">
<div id="citybackground"></div>
<div id="cityclouds"></div>
<div id="motoboy"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#citybackground').pan({ fps:30, speed: 3, dir: 'left' });
$('#cityclouds').pan({ fps: 30, speed: 2, dir: 'right' });
Parsing the "background" CSS property must be broken for IE10.
repeat-x bottom; / BROKEN */
repeat-x 100px 10px; /* WORKS */
edit If you use bottom you may want to specify the background-position and/or background-attachment properties separately in the css.