i am trying to write a SVA assertion for a handshake procedure.
In my searches I have found the following:
property p_handshake(clk,req,ack);
@(posedge clk)
req |=> !req [*1:max] ##0 ack;
assert property(p_handshake(clock,valid,done));
However, my "done" signal is allowed to come many cycles after the valid cycle goes high. How do you make this statement ensure that "done" is asserted at any point after valid is asserted, without valid being deasserted?
$rose(req) |=> req[*1:$] ##0 ack;
will start the assertion on the rising edge of req
. [*1:$]
means the left hand side must be true for a range of 1 to unlimited clocks. You could use [+]
which is equivalent to [*1:$]
Some other styles of writing the checker would be:
$rose(req) |-> req[*1:$] ##1 (ack && req);
$rose(req) |-> ##1 req throughout ack[->1];