I have created a javascript library which adds only one global object to the global space.
The global object happens to be a function and the name of the function matches the name of the file.
This is how it looks:
filename: myfunction.js
myfunction = function() {
How do I make my library compliant with amd and require.js ?
The Requirejs Docs tell you all about how to make an AMD compliant module. However, information on how to keep a module working when used without AMD (<script>
tag) is hard to find there. Anyway, when in a Requrirejs context, the "define" method is defined. Otherwise, the example below just uses window.x (not the most elegant solution) to expose the function to the global space from within a closure.
(function (module) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function () { return module; });
} else {
window.myfunction = module.myfunction;
myfunction: function () {
/* ... */
See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14033636