Lets say I have few thousands of records in some MBO. I do not want to download all these records to my device during synchronization. I want to implement "paging" let's say with 100 records per page. So each new synchronization caused by user entered a new page, must add to my mobile divices database new 100 records.
Is these scenario possible with SAP SUP? May be, I can specify Personalization Parameters with not just equal ("="), but "<", ">" or sort of that signs? May I specify not just a value, but a range for Personalization Parameter?
Pagination is common mechanic for many WEB resources, sites, app and so on. Can anyone share best practices in solving such kind of problems in SUP?
If anyone is interested I've found the solution. There is a "Customized download data" checkbox on the "Synchronization" tab for every MBOs properties in Unwired Workspace. It allows us to write custom SQL Queries to CDB and inject Personalization Params into those queries.
Hope it will be helpful to someone.