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sybase sql: choose records for which sum of values in column XYZ equals some specific value

Using Sybase SQL, I want to find all records fulffilling certain simple requirements (such as DEBITCREDIT == 'D') AND the following requirement: the sum of the nominal values of these records must equal 300

Specifically, I want to do something like this:

select RECORD_ID   ,
  from RECORDS          
 where SECURITIES_ID       = 'B'   
   and DEBITCREDIT         = 'D'
   and sum(NOMINAL_VALUE)  = 300 -- NOT ALLOWED!


The problem is that this is not allowed. How can I achieve my goal in a way that is allowed and works?

... Here is a screenshot as an example: Table RECORDS

In the screenhot the purpose of my select statement would be to select the RECORD_IDs highlighted in yellow, namely RECORD_ID 2 and RECORD_ID 4. (Please note that NOMINAL_VALUE of RECORD_ID 2 + NOMINAL_VALUE of RECORD_ID 4 = 300.)


  • Assumptions:

    • sum(NOMINAL_VALUE)=300 refers to all rows where SECURITIES_ID='B' and DEBITCREDIT='D'
    • we are NOT looking for a subset of rows (SECURITIES_ID='B' and DEBITCREDIT='D') where sum(NOMINAL_VALUE)=300; for example ...
    • if we were looking for sum(NOMINAL_VALUE)=100 then we would return nothing (ie, we would not return RECORD_ID=2)

    Create/populate a sample table:

    create table RECORDS
    (RECORD_ID      int
    ,SECURITIES_ID  char(1)
    ,DEBITCREDIT    char(1)
    ,BOOKING_ID     int
    insert RECORDS values (1,'A','C',100,10)
    insert RECORDS values (2,'B','D',100,20)
    insert RECORDS values (3,'B','C',100,30)
    insert RECORDS values (4,'B','D',200,40)
    insert RECORDS values (5,'C','D', 50,50)

    There are a few ways to slice-n-dice this ...

    Using a subquery with no explicit join to the parent:

    select  r.RECORD_ID,
    from    RECORDS r
    where   r.SECURITIES_ID = 'B'
    and     r.DEBITCREDIT   = 'D'
    and     300 = (select   sum(r2.NOMINAL_VALUE)
                     from   RECORDS r2
                     where  r2.SECURITIES_ID = 'B'
                     and    r2.DEBITCREDIT   = 'D')
    order by 1,2

    NOTE: there's no explicit 'join' criteria so OP needs to be very careful to insure both the parent query and subquery reference the same exact set of rows

    This generates:

     ----------- -----------
               2          20
               4          40

    Modifying the previous query by a) converting the subquery to a derived table and b) joining the parent to the derived table via the SECURITES_ID and DEBITCREDIT columns:

    select  r.RECORD_ID,
    from    RECORDS r
    join    (select r2.SECURITIES_ID,
             from   RECORDS r2
             where  r2.SECURITIES_ID = 'B'
             and    r2.DEBITCREDIT   = 'D'
             group by r2.SECURITIES_ID,
             having sum(r2.NOMINAL_VALUE) = 300) dt
    and     r.DEBITCREDIT   = dt.DEBITCREDIT
    order by 1,2

    This also generates:

     ----------- -----------
               2          20
               4          40

    If this is Sybase ASE we can make use of its support of non-ANSI compliant SQL with this really fugly query:

    select  RECORD_ID,
    from    RECORDS
    where   SECURITIES_ID = 'B'
    and     DEBITCREDIT   = 'D'
    group by SECURITIES_ID, 
    having sum(NOMINAL_VALUE) = 300
    order by 1,2


    • the query plan for this is similar to the query plan for the other queries, ie, it requires two accesses of the RECORDS table
    • while it's tempting to use this 'simpler' non-ANSI compliant SQL query, I'd recommend one of the other queries as they'll be easier to understand (especially for someone who comes across this code at a later date)

    This also generates:

     ----------- -----------
               2          20
               4          40

    NOTE: all queries were run on an ASE 16.0 SP04 PL04 instance