I have the following java and html code:
this.leakageModel = new PropertyListView<Leakage> ( "leakage", new ArrayList<Leakage> ()) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void populateItem (final ListItem<Leakage> item) {
Link<String> brandLink = new Link<String> ("brandLink") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -480222850475280108L;
public void onClick () {
//change another model in the page to update
//another table when the link is clicked
brandLink.add (new Label ("brand"));
item.add (brandLink);
} };
add (this.leakageModel);
html file:
<tr wicket:id="leakage" class="testClass">
<td class="testClass">
<a wicket:id="brandLink" href="#">
<span wicket:id="brand"></span>
What I want to do is to be able to call a javascript function from inside the onClick() method.
The model update that I currently do inside the onClick method works well and updates another table on the page.
However everything I have tried to call a javascript function or change the css style has failed.
For instance:
Adding a css class:
add (new AttributeAppender("class", new Model("anotherclass"), " "));
Using an AjaxLink type instead, and a number of other things I have tried to no avail.
On a related note, my original intention is to hide all rows in the table except the one I have clicked. Maybe I can do this just from the Java code and have no need for Javascript at all, but updating the css as above doesn't work.
Any suggestions as to what am I doing wrong?
On a related note, my original intention is to hide all rows in the table except the one I have clicked.
Instead of answering your question, I will try to provide a solution to your problem :).
It makes perfect sense to hide the table row via javascript. I would suggest doing it with Jquery as described in Hiding all but first table row with jQuery:
$("#myTbl tr:not(nth-child(3))").hide();
Now, you have to execute the above javascript snippet each time a user clicks your Wicket link. For this, you can for example create your own link class like this:
public class JavascriptLink extends Label{
public JavascriptLink(String id, String label) {
super(id, label);
add(new AttributeAppender("onclick", "...your javascript here..."));
I leave it to you to combine the jquery with the JavascriptLink to meet your requirements. It should work going in this direction.