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How to add custom nodes and properties to AlloyUI diagram builder

I have been trying to use diagram builder example of AlloyUI.

I need to add some extra custom node types as well as some additional properties for the nodes. I thought about modifying and then building the library but it sounds like an overkill for such a task and also I have had issues with building.

Is there an easy way to do this?


I realized I could directly modify files in build folder to get rid of build process. I tried adding something like:

var Lang = A.Lang,
CUSTOM = 'custom',

A.DiagramNodeCustom = A.Component.create({

  ATTRS: {
    type: {
      value: CUSTOM

  EXTENDS: A.DiagramNodeTask

A.DiagramBuilder.types[CUSTOM] = A.DiagramNodeCustom;

to /build/aui-diagram-builder-impl/aui-diagram-builder-impl.js.

I have my main javascript file structures as such:

var Y = YUI().use(
  function(Y) {
    var availableFields = [
        iconClass: 'aui-diagram-node-task-icon',
        label: 'Custom',
        type: 'custom'

    diagram = new Y.DiagramBuilder(
        availableFields: availableFields,
        boundingBox: '#myDiagramContainer',
        srcNode: '#myDiagramBuilder'

and I can know add a custom node to my diagram. I can click on it and change the name and such but unfortunately it is invisible on the diagram. Also I still couldn't find how to add new attributes to nodes. Any ideas?


  • As stated, everything you did so far sounds good.

    I think you're only missing some CSS to be able to see your nodes. You can see it working here

    Check out the CSS Panel

    .aui-diagram-node-custom .aui-diagram-node-content {
       /* Style of your node in the diagram */
    .aui-diagram-node-custom-icon {
       /* Style of your node icon in the nodes lists */

    Note: Starting from alloy-2.0.0pr6, css classes are no longer prefixed with aui-, so keep that in mind when you start using a newer version. I've put together an example here

    Edit: To be able to expose new attributes to the editor panel, the custom field needs to extend the getPropertyModel method to add the new properties to the model.

    getPropertyModel: function() {
        var instance = this;
        var model = Y.DiagramNodeTask.superclass.getPropertyModel.apply(instance, arguments);
            attributeName: 'customAttr',
            name: 'Custom Attribute'
        return model;

    Here you can find an updated example