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Fuelux datagrid and require js

Is there a way to use Fuelux Datagrid with requirejs and backbonejs?

I cannot get to load the data onto the Datagrid using this and by Googling, it sounds like you cannot use requirejs with Datagrid but I wanted to check if there are any ways around this.

Any suggestions or examples would be great

Below is my main.js

  paths: {
    jquery: '//',
    underscore: 'libs/underscore/underscore.min',
    Backbone: 'libs/backbone/backbone.min',
    // fuelux: '',
    fuelux: 'libs/fuelux/datagrid',
    selectjs: 'libs/fuelux/select',
    utiljs: 'libs/fuelux/util',
    bootstrap: '//',
    qunit: '//',
    bootstrapDatepicker: 'bootstrap-datepicker',
    backboneValidation: '//',
    datasource: 'libs/fuelux/datasource/datasource',
    sampleData: 'libs/fuelux/datasource/data'
  shim: {
    'jquery': {
      deps: [],
      exports: '$'
    'underscore': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'backbone': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'fuelux': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'bootstrap': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'qunit': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'bootstrapDatepicker': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'backboneValidation': {
      deps: ['jquery']
    'selectjs': {
      deps: ['utiljs']
    'utiljs': {
      deps: ['fuelux']


  // Load our app module and pass it to our definition function

], function(App){
  // The "app" dependency is passed in as "App"
  // Again, the other dependencies passed in are not "AMD" therefore don't pass a parameter to this function

Below is app.js

], function($, _, Backbone, fuelux, sampleData, datasource, Bootstrap, Qunit, datepicker){

    var initialize = function(){

        var ReportModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
            urlRoot: '/report',
            initialize: function(){
            defaults: function(){
                var dataSources = new datasource({
                    columns: [
                          property: 'name',
                          label: 'Name',
                          sortable: true
                          property: 'countrycode',
                          label: 'Country',
                          sortable: true
                          property: 'population',
                          label: 'Population',
                          sortable: true
                          property: 'fcodeName',
                          label: 'Type',
                          sortable: true
                    data: [
                        {name:'<a href="#">foo</a>', countrycode:'United States', population:423459000, fcodeName:'23434123' },
                        {name:'boo', countrycode:'Canada', population:123459000, fcodeName:'552432123' },
                        {name:'bar', countrycode:'United Kingdom', population:523459000, fcodeName:'54544123' },
                        {name:'doo', countrycode:'France', population:323459050, fcodeName:'9848823123' },
                        {name:'too', countrycode:'Scotland', population:42344300, fcodeName:'23434123' },
                        {name:'woo', countrycode:'Ireland', population:12345903, fcodeName:'52432123' },
                        {name:'mar', countrycode:'Austria', population:32342910, fcodeName:'4544123' },
                        {name:'soo', countrycode:'Spain', population:23459900, fcodeName:'9848823123' },
                        {name:"Dhaka",countrycode:"BD",population:10356500, fcodeName:'1848823123'},
                        {name:"Jakarta",countrycode:"BD",population:10356500, fcodeName:'1848823123'},
                        {name:"Seoul",countrycode:"ID",population:8540121, fcodeName:'4448828694'},
                        {name:"Hong Kong",countrycode:"HK",population:18540121, fcodeName:'349903004'}
                    delay: 300

                return dataSources;
            /*defaults: function(){
                var fromDate = new Date();
                fromDate.setDate(fromDate.getDate() - 7);
                return {
                    fromDate: fromDate,
                    toDate: new Date(),
                    JobCategory: null,
                    limit: 100

        var ReportCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
            url: '/report',
            model: ReportModel

        var ReportData = new ReportModel();

        var ReportRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
            initialize: function(){

            routes: {
                '' : 'main'

            'main': function(){

                // console.log(datepicker);
                $ = jQuery;
                $('#fromDate').datepicker().on('changeDate', function(e){
                    $('#toDate').datepicker('setStartDate', new Date(;
                $('#toDate').datepicker().on('changeDate', function(e){
                    $('#fromDate').datepicker('setEndDate', new Date(;
                sidebarwidth = $(".sidebar-width").css('width');
                bodypaddingtop = $(".navbar-fixed-top").css('height');
                sidebarheight = $("body").css('height');
                $('.sidebar-nav-fixed').css('width', sidebarwidth);
                $('.sidebar-nav-fixed').css('height', sidebarheight);
                $('body').css('paddingTop', bodypaddingtop)
                contentmargin = parseInt(sidebarwidth)
                $('.span-fixed-sidebar').css('marginLeft', contentmargin);
                $('.span-fixed-sidebar').css('paddingLeft', 60);

        Collection = new ReportCollection(ReportData);

        var ReportView = Backbone.View.extend({
            el: $('#container'),
            initialize: function(){
                _.bindAll(this, 'render', 'submit_form');
            events: {
                "click #submit": "submit_form"
            render: function(){

                // var compiledTemplate = _.template( projectListTemplate, data );
                // console.log(this);
                // this.$el.append('<div>- tet</div>');
                // this.$el.append( compiledTemplate );

                // console.log(ReportData.toJSON());

                    dataSource: ReportData.toJSON(),
                    stretchHeight: true

                return this;
            submit_form: function(){
                // this.$el.append('<div>tet</div>');
                // return false;
                var Data = new ReportData({
                    fromDate: $('#fromDate').val(),
                    toDate: $('#toDate').val(),
                    JobCategory: $('#job_category').val(),
                    limit: $('#limit').val()
                data = Collection.fetch();

        var ReportView = new ReportView;

        ReportRouter = new ReportRouter();

        ReportRouter.on('router:main', function(){
            console.log('router test');

    return {
        initialize: initialize


  • You can absolutely load Fuel UX with RequireJS. I have a few suggestions:

    1. Ensure your libs/fuelux directory contains the entire contents of the dist folder from the Fuel UX repo. Example files:
    2. Change your path entry to fuelux: 'libs/fuelux',
    3. Remove fuelux from the shim config - since the library's modules are AMD this isn't needed.
    4. In app.js change your dependency from fuelux to fuelux/all

    This should get Fuel UX to load properly. Beyond that, if you are still having issues getting data into your datagrid I'd recommend setting a breakpoint inside your datasource's data function just before it calls the callback, to verify what it's sending to the datagrid.