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cannot open load dired-details

I just installed the emacs package dired-details from inside emacs via

M-x package-list-packages

clicked on the package name and then install in the newly opened buffer.

Then I put those lines into my .emacs:

(require 'dired-details)
(setq-default dired-details-hidden-string ">---< ")

When I restart emacs, I get the following error:

File error: Cannot open load file, dired-details

The interesting thing is, that when I mark the code region above and apply

M-x eval-region

everything works as expected.

emacs --version
>> GNU Emacs 24.3.1

package version:



  • Packages you installed with package.el need to be initialized if you want to access them during emacs initialization.

    Add the line


    to the very beginning of your .emacs .

    Also follow phil's recommendation and see the variable
