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isFinite of space giving true value

I am trying to validate a price field. I was trying this:

var productId = document.getElementById("productId");
var productName = document.getElementById("productName");
var productPrice = document.getElementById("price");


    error = document.getElementById("priceError");
    error.innerHTML = "Please enter correct value";"thin solid red";
    error = document.getElementById("priceError");
    error.innerHTML = "";

The line alert is giving me true when the input is space/ multiple spaces only. This is my HTML page.

<td><input type = "text" id = "price" size = "14"/></td>



  • Why this happens i cant say, but this code should solve the problem

    isFinite(parseFloat(" ")) // false
    // because -->
    parseFloat(" "); // => result NaN
    // tested in Chrome 27+ on Win7

    in the MDN refernce of isNaN here it says

    isNaN(" ");     // false: a string with spaces is converted to 0 which is not NaN


    in the Reference of isFinite found Here it states that isFinite only returns false if the argument is:

    • NaN
    • positive infinity, (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
    • negative infinity (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) In any other Case it returns true. (like Paul S mentioned)

    Now i Think i got all loose ends, and in that course learned something. :)