A very niche problem:
I sometimes (30% of the time) get an 'undefined handler' javascript error on line 3877 of the prototype.js library (version from google: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/
Now on this page I have a Google Map and I use the Prototype Window library.
The problem occurs in IE7 and FF3.
This is the info FireBug gives:
handler is undefined
? in prototype.js@3871()prototype.js (line 3877)
handler.call(element, event);
I switched to a local version of prototypejs and added some debugging in the offending method (createWraper) but the debugging never appears before the error...
I googled around and found 1 other mention of the error on the same line, but no answer so I'm posting it here where maybe, some day someone will have an answer :).
I just found out this error also occurs if you accidentally leave on the parenthesis on your observer call:
Event.observe(document, 'myapp:application_ready', myapp.MyClass.initApp());
instead of
Event.observe(document, 'myapp:application_ready', myapp.MyClass.initApp);