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VHDL - Conditional attribute declaration depending on a generic

How do I write a code segment which would evaluate a generic and create (or not create) an attribute accordingly?

Example :

if G_MY_GENERIC then
    attribute my_attribute_typ : string;
    attribute my_attribute_typ of signal_having_an_attr : signal is "value";
    --nothing is created
end if;


  • It is perfectly possible to write something similar to that, but the attribute will only be visible in the scope of the generate statement.

    g_something: if test_condition generate
       attribute my_attribute_typ : string;
       attribute an_attribute of my_attribute_typ: signal is "value";
        -- attribute is visible in this scope
        p_my_process: process(clk)
            -- attribute is also visible here
        end process;
    end generate;
    -- but not here