I am building Linphone application for android. I am using windows xp 32 bit.
1) Download android ndk 2) Installed the autotools: autoconf, automake, aclocal, libtoolize pkgconfig 3) run the ./prepare_sources.sh/
I got the output in terminal as
$ ./prepare_sources.sh /cygdrive/d/android/androidNdk/android-ndk-r8d using /cygdrive/d/android/androidNdk/android-ndk-r8d as android NDK ./prepare_sources.sh: line 23: git: command not found Applying patch to ffmpeg can't find file to patch at input line 3 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
|--- submodules/externals/ffmpeg/libavcodec/arm/int_neon.S.orig 2011-09-30 19:43:21.935593025 +0200
File to patch:
Any info, questions or anything really is highly appreciated
According to README in root dir of linphone-android you don't need to run prepare_sources.sh, remaining steps for you is to run "make" and "make install":
To build liblinphone for Android, you must:
0) download the Android sdk with platform-tools and tools updated to latest revision (at least API 16 is needed), then add both 'tools' and 'platform-tools' folders in your path.
1) download the Android ndk (>=r8b) from google and add it to your path.
2) install the autotools: autoconf, automake, aclocal, libtoolize, pkgconfig
2bis) on some 64 bits systems you'll need the ia32-libs package
3) run the Makefile script in the top level directory. This will download iLBC source files and convert some assembly files in VP8 project.
$ make
4) To install the generated apk into a plugged device, run
$ make install