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How to convert book's reference to XML?

I have several book's reference be must convert to XML.
I want to create application in Java for this action.

Book's reference:

 Schulz V, Hansel R, Tyler VE. Rational phytotherapy: a physician's guide to herbal   
 medicine. 3rd ed., fully rev. and expand. Berlin: Springer; c1998. 306 p.


<element-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
    <source>Rational phytotherapy: a physician's guide to herbal medicine</source>
    <edition>3rd ed., fully rev. and expand</edition>
    <size units="page">306 p</size>

How to convert book's reference to XML format?
What do you suggest?


  • As you might not be experienced in Java, the dull, simple solution (Java 7):

    • writing the XML as text;
    • parsing with String.split(regex) (Scanner would do too).

    Mind, special characters < > & " ' in bookref text might need to be replaced by &lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &apos;.

    String bookRef = "Schulz V, Hansel R, Tyler VE. Rational phytotherapy: a physician's guide to herbal "
            + "medicine. 3rd ed., fully rev. and expand. Berlin: Springer; c1998. 306 p.";
    File file = new File("D:/dev/xml-part.txt");
    final String TAB = "    ";
    try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8")))) {
        out.println(TAB + "<element-citation publication-type=\"book\" publication-format=\"print\">");
        String[] lines = bookRef.split("\\.\\s*");
        String names = lines[0];
        String[] nameArray = names.split(",\\s*");
        for (String name : nameArray) {
            String[] nameParts = name.split(" +", 2);
            out.println(TAB + TAB + "<name>");
            out.println(TAB + TAB + TAB + "<surname>" + nameParts[0] + "</surname>");
            out.println(TAB + TAB + TAB + "<given-name>" + nameParts[1] + "</given-name>");
            out.println(TAB + TAB + "</name>");
        out.println(TAB + TAB + "<source>" + lines[1] + "</source>");
        out.println(TAB + "</element-citation>");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Test.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);