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TypeBuilder allows defining two fields with the same name

I am working on an interactive compiler in my spare time, and I found that I can define a type using a TypeBuilder which defines two fields with the same name (and the type apparently emits and runs its initializer, where these static fields are initialized, just fine) . See my watch window:

enter image description here

I find this odd: what practical purpose could a type with two fields of the same name have? Is this really "legal" per the CLR specification (would be interested in a reference), or is this undefined or illegal behavior that the TypeBuilder should perhaps have not allowed?


  • This is explained in §I.8.5.2 of the ECMA-335 CLI specification:

    Generally, names are not unique. Names are collected into groupings called scopes. Within a scope, a name can refer to multiple entities as long as they are of different kinds (methods, fields, nested types, properties, and events) or have different signatures.

    CLS Rule 5: All names introduced in a CLS-compliant scope shall be distinct independent of kind, except where the names are identical and resolved via overloading. That is, while the CTS allows a single type to use the same name for a method and a field, the CLS does not.

    The way I understand this, it means that you can have two different fields with the same name in the same type, but they have to have a different signature, i.e. different type. So, if you have two fields string x and int x, that's okay according to the CLI specification. It's not okay according to the Common Language Specification (CLS), but that's basically just a set of rules that makes language interoperability easier.

    On the other hand, a type with two fields with the same name and type is not legal and if you run PEVerify on an assembly with a type like that, it indeed fails verification:

    [MD]: Error: Field has a duplicate, token=0x04000002. [token:0x04000001]
    [MD]: Error: Field has a duplicate, token=0x04000001. [token:0x04000002]

    For some reason, it seems the CLR does not make this check, so it allows such invalid types. The C# compiler is also able to handle such types, it seems it chooses one of the two fields and uses that.