I'm using spring mvc 3.1.0 with jsp/jstl. To submit object to my controller I'm using the ModelAttribute annotation and all is working fine. But, when I try to submit a complex object to my controller his value is null. This is my object model:
public class UorgVO {
private String nom;
private String nomAbrege;
private UorgVO refUniteOrganisParent;
and there is my jsp page:
<form:form method="post" action="saveUorg.html" modelAttribute="uorg" >
<th>Nom abregé</th>
<th>Unité père</th>
<td><input type="text" path="nom" name="nom"/></td>
<td><input type="text" path="nomAbrege" name="nomAbrege"/></td>
<select id="refUniteOrganisParent"
<option value="null"> --- </option>
<c:forEach items="${listeuos}" var="uorgg" varStatus="status" >
<option value="${uorgg}">${uorgg} </option>
<input type="submit" value="Enregistrer uorg"/>
And my controller is:
@RequestMapping(value ="/saveUorg", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView saveUorg(@ModelAttribute("uorg") UorgVO uorg,BindingResult result) {
System.out.println("My foreign attribute is:" +uorg.getRefUniteOrganisParent());
return new ModelAndView("uorg_recherche");
And the printed value is null, but the other attributes of my object are submitted.
Thank's in advance for help
I solved the problem, i hope that it gonna help other users who has the same problem. By using the service of ConversionServiceFactoryBean. First, i used the ' form:select ' and 'form:input' , there is my new jsp code :
<td><form:input path="email" type="text"/></td>
<form:select path="refUniteOrganisParent.id" items="${listeuos}" itemValue="id" itemLabel="nom"/>
As you can see i retried the id value of the selected item.
Secondly i used this converter:
public class UorgConverter implements Converter<Long, UorgVO>{
private UorgService uo;
public UorgVO convert(Long id) {
// actions dealing with the service, to retrieve Uorg object from the id sended by the jsp page
return uorgItem;
After that i configure my xml file by doing this:
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService"/>
<bean id="conversionService" class="my.package.ConversionServiceFactoryBean">
<property name="converters">
<bean class="converter.package.location.UorgConverter"></bean>
<!--List of my converters -->
Thank's to everybody who participates in this post to solve the problem.