Hi might be this is a silly question, but as I am beginner learner of liferay so this is confusing me. In my project's liferay/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/content/ we have some Language-ext_*.properties file, but as I have searched in project there is no ext and even there is no hook corresponding to this properties file.
I also dont know how we can have our customized files inside ROOT directory.
My WEB-INF/classes
directory contains only these files/directories (wildcarded for the legacy ones):
So my guess is that someone manually put those files there. It's quite common to see that somebody did this. However, my recommendation is to not accept this mode of operation: It's tempting to fix something quickly with those files, without proper documentation. In case you'll have to restore the server any time in the future, you're never getting the same configuration/changes together again, so I'd purely demand to deploy all files within webapps/ROOT through plugins from everybody working with the system.
As you state in your comment, everything you want is to add russian translation, just do so with a hook: It's standard operation for this type of plugin and it's easy to maintain. Plus, it's best practice, hot deployable and quickly done