I am new to Ext.net with mvc 4. I am trying to create a layout using treepanel and a tab panel. When I a node on a leaf node on the treepanel, I want to load a page using ajax as a new tab
At first I used the code following to load the new tabs with listeners, but it loads in a iframe. I want it to load as a div, but I couldn't get it to work, so I changed to use direct events.
var mainContainerAddTab = function (tabPanel, id, url, menuItem) {
var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);
if (!tab) {
tab = tabPanel.add({
id: id,
title: menuItem.raw.text,
closable: true,
loader: {
url: url,
renderer: 'html',
loadMask: {
showMask: true,
msg: 'Loading ' + menuItem.raw.text + '...'
tab.on('activate', function (tab) {
var panel = App.MenuTreePanel;
I have succeeded using the code below to load a new tab with direct events but what I am failing to do is get the url for each node.
new ModelField("url")
.Text("Gadget Tracker")
.CustomAttributes(c => { c.Add(new ConfigItem("url", Url.Action("create", "gadgettracker", null, "http"))); }),
.DirectEvents(tpde =>
tpde.Select.Url = Url.Action("create", "gadgettracker");
So, is there a way to make a directevents in a node?
Thanks before.
The direct answer on your question is no way to attach DirectEvents direct to nodes.
But using a TreePanel's Select event is really what you need. You can modify a DirectEvent's Url within its Before handler.
tpde.Select.Url = Url.Action("create", "gadgettracker");
tpde.Select.Before = "o.url = record.get('url');" // "record" is a selected node