I have two questions regarding navigation in MvvMCross.
How can I truncate the navigation stack?
e.g: A|B|C on the stack, navigating to D makes the stack look like: D
The functionality for manipulating the back stack is platform and app specific - e.g:
Because of this, the actual implementation of UI changes like this is not defined within MvvmCross.
Instead, it's up to you to implement in your applications presenter
The basic flow you'll need to follow is:
Work out what your app structure is and what effect(s) you want to achieve
For this effect, declare a custom presentation hint - e.g
public class MyFunkyPresentationHint : MvxPresentationHint
public int DegreeOfFunkiness { get; set; }
base.ChangePresentation(new MyFunkyPresentationHint() { DegreeOfFunkiness=27 });
public override void ChangePresentation(MvxPresentationHint hint)
if (hint is MyFunkyPresentationHint)
// your code goes here
For examples of custom presenters, see: http://slodge.blogspot.com/2013/06/presenter-roundup.html
For one example of backstack manipulation, see how Close(this)
is implemented in some of the standard presenters.