I use SVN with SSH using Subclipse in Eclipse. My repository resides on my hostgator server. Everyhting was working fine until hostgator decides to move the server to another place giving it and new server name and new IP.
Since then, whenever I try to commit or update I get the following error:
No Repository found in 'svn+ssh://username@domainname:2222/home/username/repo/appRepo/trunk/appname
offcourse where username and domainname and appname actual values are hidden from this question.
What on earth could be going wrong? It is still the same user name and domain name?!
EDIT: I found the main reason (I hope) but I dont know how to fix it so maybe someone can help. My path changed on the server from /home/username to /home4/username! Any idea how to fix that in eclipse/SVN so I go to home4 instead of home?
I noticed that you are using svn+ssh
. Following the IP address change, the SSH fingerprint would change too, so I am wondering if your ssh client denies access to the server and (confusingly) reports "No repository found"?
Check what happens if you execute ssh domainname -l username
. Answer yes
to changed fingerprint warning, then try to interact with svn again.