Can anyone tell me why univeral references loose the top-level cv qualifies? I expected the output would return true for const on the second and third function calls in the following code.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
void print(T const &value){
cout << "Printing from const & method: " << value << endl;
template<class T>
void print(T const *value){
cout << "Printing from const * method: " << *value << endl;
template<class T>
void f(T&& item){
cout << "T is const: " << boolalpha << is_const<decltype(item)>::value << endl;
int main(){
const int a = 5;
const int * const ptr = &a;
return 0;
T is const: false
Printing from const & method: 5
T is const: false
Printing from const & method: 5
T is const: false
Printing from const * method: 5
As R. Martinho pointed out, references don't have top-level const.
To check lower-level const-ness, you can use std::remove_reference
cout << "T is const: " << boolalpha
<< is_const<typename remove_reference<decltype(item)>::type>::value
<< endl;