I want to show image on click on it. I am using Paperclip to store images, and Fancy-box installed to process image display. But I get such error.
The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later.
I searched in SO, and found similair question, Fancybox error in rails tried to change links like suggested but no results.
My application.js file looks like this.
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require_tree
//= require fancybox
$(document).ready(function() { $("a.fancybox").fancybox(); });
My show view where I want to see the popup of the image (like in this example http://fancybox.net/ ), looks like this.
<a class="fancybox"><%= image_tag @product.photo.url(:thumb) %></a>
Here is a proper example of fancybox with source code: https://www.mgtechnologies.co.in/product/fancybox-responsive-jquery-pop-up
try this:
<a class="fancybox" href="<%= @product.photo.url(:full) %>">
<%= image_tag @product.photo.url(:thumb) %>
$("a.fancybox") - is overhead selector
$(".fancybox") - enought
after clicking the fancybox link check Network tab in devTools, it could be server error http://monosnap.com/image/tByHYsWqawv0k5NAVvJrFgpt8
you could find some samples and check api in modern documentation of fancybox here http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/
Try that work around for understand what is going on:
$(document).on('click', '.fancybox', (e)->
url: $(this).attr('href')
success: (data)->
$.fancybox(data, {
// TODO something
overlay :
locked : true
dataType: 'html'