I have a problem: when I use webview with javascript interface to comunication between my activity and the html page, my actionbarsherlock stop working. And the problem is in this line:
myWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsObject(), "injectedObject");
the problems include List navigations and menu items with ActionView .
Basically if I comment the above code, everything works normally.
Some pictures to explain:
My Activity with sherlockactionbar and webview
My actionbar not working when when I'm calling the method addJavascriptInterface in my webview
My actionbar working when I remove the method addJavascriptInterface
How can I solve this problem???? Thanks.
Oh, I figured out my problem looking at this question
Basically I had a method accessed by javascript that disguised a view. So this occasioned UI errors.
class JsObject {
public void cancelProgress() {
class JsObject {
public void cancelProgress() {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
public void run(){