I have a REST controller that expectes a complex object in JSON format.
Let's say, A.class has an association with a collection of B.class.
class A {
private List<B> values;
class B {
private String name;
The simplified controller looks like this:
def create(){
def jsonObject = request.JSON;
A a = new A(jsonObject);
Let's say, I send the follwoing JSON to the controller:
In the controller, the jsonObject has "values" attribute as JsonArray. I expected Grails binding constructor to bind the JsonArray "values" to the List "values" for me, but it does not. In Spring MVC, JacksonMapper does the job for me. I like something like that.
Do I have to manually iterate JsonArray and convert items in the array to a domain object by my self?
Using JsonSlurper, Read the json and iterate and set it to domain object.