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strange interaction between lexical-binding and defvar in emacs lisp

The following emacs lisp file is about seeing what happens when Alice uses a lexically bound local variable foo in her init file and Bob defines foo as a global special variable with defvar in his init file and Alice borrows part of Bob's init file code into her own init file not knowing that foo is going to turn special.

;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Alice init file

;; Alice defining alice-multiplier
(defun alice-multiplier-1 (foo)
  (lambda (n) (* n foo)))
(defun alice-multiplier-2 (num)
  (let ((foo num))
    (lambda (n) (* n foo))))

;; Alice using alice-multiplier
  :R1 (mapcar (alice-multiplier-1 10) (list 1 2 3))
  :R2 (mapcar (alice-multiplier-2 10) (list 1 2 3))))

;; from Bob's code
;; ...    
(defvar foo 1000)
;; ...

;; Alice using alice-multiplier
  :R3 (mapcar (alice-multiplier-1 10) (list 1 2 3))
  :R4 (mapcar (alice-multiplier-2 10) (list 1 2 3))))


(:R1 (10 20 30) :R2 (10 20 30))

(:R3 (10 20 30) :R4 (1000 2000 3000))

Results R1 and R2 are just as what I expect. Result R4 is consistent with defvar documentation, although it may surprise Alice unless she reads Bob's code.

  1. I find R3 surprising. Why is R3 like that?

  2. Speaking of R4, what can Alice do to protect her foo from turning special by others? For example, foo may be a lexical local variable she uses in her init file or one of her emacs package, and (defvar foo "something") may be in some of the packages she happens to use, or foo could be one of the new special variable names introduced by a future version of Emacs. Is there something Alice can put in her file that says to Emacs "In this file, foo should be always lexical, even if some code from outside happens to use a special variable of the same name"?


  • What is going on

    From the "theoretical" (Scheme/Common Lisp) point of view, as soon as you enable lexical bindings, for all practical purposes alice-multiplier-1 and alice-multiplier-2 are identical. Any difference in their behavior is a bug in Emacs Lisp and should be reported as such.


    If you put your code (i.e., the 2 defuns and the ;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- line) into a file, emacs-list-byte-compile-and-load it, then you can test my claim by evaluating these 4 forms:

    (disassemble 'alice-multiplier-1)
    (disassemble 'alice-multiplier-2)
    (disassemble (alice-multiplier-1 10))
    (disassemble (alice-multiplier-2 10))

    you will see that 3 and 4 are identical and 1 and 2 differ by one instruction (which should be reported as a bug to the Emacs maintainers, but does not affect the behavior).

    Note that none of the disassemblies mention foo, which means that the defvar will not affect their behavior.

    All is good!


    Indeed, the behavior you see is incorrect; the correct result after defvar is

    (:R1 (10000 20000 30000) :R2 (10000 20000 30000))

    please report this to the emacs maintainers.


    Yes, defvar does (and should!) affect the behavior of interpreted code and does not (and should not!) affect the behavior of compiled code.

    What you should do

    There is no way to "protect" your foo from being proclaimed special by others - except by prefixing "your" symbols with alice-.

    However, if you byte-compile the file with the alice-multiplier-1 definition, the compiled file does not even contain foo and thus future declarations of foo will not affect you.