So when i try to open a java class that's not in a package from the command prompt it all works fine, but when I try to open a class that's in a package it gives me NoClassDefFoundError. And when I list the package when I try to open the class (java somepackage/someclass) it says that it can't load or find the main class.
Any help?
What I can infer is, you have two classes:
// no package defined here
class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
so you can compile and run it using:
java Test
Another class:
package test; // package defined here
class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
And thus doing same thing gives you error. For this you need to be in the parent directory of 'test' folder in your terminal or cmd and use:
java test.Test
No problem with compiler. You can compile as usual using javac from inside 'test' folder.