I am reading through the Public Review Draft of the Web Beans specification (JSR-299) and I am wondering why it is so 'tightly coupled' to JSF?
Especially the Conversation Context seems only be specified for JSF.
I understand, that it is a goal of WebBeans to integrate JSF and EJB3. But would it not make sense to specify the concept of conversations on a more general level (maybe for Servlets in general and not for a specific web framework)?
Is there any technical reason for this? I think it can hardly be, because Seam (which is some Kind of WebBeans-Prototype) does also support Wicket and provides the concept of conversations.
I think it would be helpful to have a Conversation Scope on Servlet level (injecting of conversation-scoped beans into servlets). In my understanding, this is not the case with the ciurrent specification (see chapter 8.5.4). Or am I misinterpreting something here ...
Just found this today. The reason why the ConversationScope is JSF based is simply because JSF is the standard UI framework for Java EE!
Beside this, most of the JSR-299 containers can provide Conversations for other UI technologies like e.g. Wicket too.
Otoh you can easily create your own Scopes which are even portable.
LieGrue, strub