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Java swt KeyListener "solution" barcode reading

I found some good Q/A here on my problem but couldn't find the right one.

I have a barcode reader that reads barcode and sends scanned code as keyboard input. It is alright I can catch input easily

browser.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {   
    @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        if(e.keyCode >=48 && e.keyCode <=57) {
            System.out.println("number caught");

But I will have more inputs in my application so I need to know if it is send by barcode reader or by keyboard. I think it can be achieved by adding some timer in code that verifies how long is some "sequence" reading.

I just can not figure it out, (I mean logic behind it), I am missing piece of logic.

  1. User is typing some info, (alpha numerical)
  2. user desides to use barcode reader to read barcode

I tried timer e.g if(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPressProcessed ??? 500) { after keyListener is triggered but I think I am missing something.

sidenote: USB barcode reads code fast so keystrokes are emulated really fast est whole barcode is written in about 1 second + carry /r/n (also enter is pressed).

sidenote2: barcodes are going to be different in length so I can not read just some length in short time and decide wether it is user input or barcode input (max numbers read 13 + enter).

sidenote3: I have no input field for barcode I am trying to achieve running it on "background".

I am seeking logic/pseudocode suggestions on topic.

related topics that are really close to mine are here, and here

Thank you.


After deep tought I found out the solution I'll keep this Q here just for another users that might find this usable.

solution --moved to answer + edited


  • This code coveres everything I wanted to achieve, it reads just numbers (actualy numbers that are under F keys, not numbers that are on numpad, I had problem with it because scanner is keyboard dependant so I made function signsToNumbers() that converts signs !@#$%^&*() to numbers 1234567890. I may change this function because every key on keyboard has its own unique identifier + modifier, it seems that scanner sends also SHIFT modifier to the application but that is not as problem as it seems I'll just match e.keyCode.

    The code below works as:

    1. waits for number input otherwise does nothing
    2. if 1st number is inserted it is looping in if condition until either 200ms is reached or '\r\n` is received
    3. sends data to server via URL


    @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        if (timer == true && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimer < 200) {
          if(e.keyCode >=48 && e.keyCode <=57) { //number pressed
              lastTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
              myString = myString + Character.toString(e.character);
            if(e.keyCode == SWT.CR) {
              myString = signsToNumbers(myString);
              newUrl = browser.getUrl()+ "/newcode/" + myString;
              System.out.println("barcode read");
              myString = "";
              timer = false;
              lastTimer = 0;
            if(e.keyCode >=48 && e.keyCode <=57) {
              lastTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
              timer = true;
              myString = Character.toString(e.character);
            myString = "";
            lastTimer = 0;