I need to access a file natively (from C++ or Java code) on Android and iPhone in a Unity plugin project. Does Unity provide any method to access files in the project Assets?
Small sample code in c# to copy files async: Add this method to a script which inherits MonoBehaviour
IEnumerator CopyFileAsyncOnAndroid()
string fromPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath +"/";
//In Android = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/"
string toPath = Application.persistentDataPath +"/";
string[] filesNamesToCopy = new string[] { "a.txt" ,"b.txt"};
foreach (string fileName in filesNamesToCopy)
Debug.Log("copying from "+ fromPath + fileName +" to "+ toPath);
WWW www1 = new WWW( fromPath +fileName);
yield return www1;
Debug.Log("yield done");
File.WriteAllBytes(toPath+ fileName, www1.bytes);
Debug.Log("file copy done");
//Note: 4 small files can take a second to finish copy. so do it once and
//set a persistent flag to know you don`t need to call it again