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batch script to identify folders and zip & move them

I am a total newbie at windows scripting having spent over 13 yrs scripting in Unix shell. I need help in finding a way to find a folder last modified about 30 days back and then zip the folder and move it to another "Archive" folder. Folder structure is like the following :


So aim is to move 2013.05 into Archive directory after zipping it up.

I've tried forfiles.exe which doesnt allow me to skip the folder Archive and I've tried dir /ad but that doesnt allow me to specific last modified days been +30.


  • This is one method to get the oldest folder, excluding Archive, which seems to be what you need.

    @echo off
    pushd "D:\AuditFiles\"
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /ad /o-d') do (
    if /i not "%%a"=="Archive" set "folder=%%a"
    echo oldest folder is "%folder%"