I'm doing something like :
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Employee.class);
Criteria metaDataCriteria = criteria.createCriteria("metaData");
Criteria contractCriteria = metaDataCriteria.createCriteria("currentRunningContract");
if (key.equals("directorate")) {
contractCriteria.createCriteria(key).add(Restrictions.in("id", (Long[])parameters.get(oKey)));
if (key.equals("grade")) {
contractCriteria.createCriteria(key).add(Restrictions.in("id", (Long[])parameters.get(oKey)));
if (key.equals("gradeLevel")) {
contractCriteria.createCriteria(key).add(Restrictions.in("id", (Long[])parameters.get(oKey)));
What I'm clearly doing here is add sub criterias to the contractCriteria depending on wheter the key if found in the associative array I pass through the function, but I get the exception : org.hibernate.QueryException: duplicate association path: on the metaData class , but I don't think I need any aliases here because I'm using the same criteria, can you help me please...?
I got the answer thanks Pritesh Shah, here is the solution
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Employee.class, "employee").createCriteria("metaData", "mData").createCriteria("currentRunningContract", "currentContract");
if (key.equals("directorate")) {
criteria.createCriteria("currentContract."+key).add(Restrictions.in("id", (Long[])parameters.get(oKey)));
}Blahblah etc...
I used the aliases that I created in one shot at the firs lone :)
Cya all :)