Hello I'm trying to add jQuery to my Userscript that I'm creating.
I've tried:
$ = jQuery = window.jQuery;
Doesn't work $ is undefined. My other choice is:
$ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
Which works and all, but I receive this error:
Unexpected token e
That's not even part of my code, it points to something on the website. However, I noticed that the website I'm creating a userscript for uses this:
Is that the cause of this? And I can't import the jQuery library because I'm trying to make custom emotes for a shoutbox which uses XMLHttpRequests(AJAX) and it prevents the chat from working when I load an external library.
I've been trying to fix this for 6 hours and I'm getting nowhere. I'd probably turn to just using DOM if nothing works =/.
Thank you for all that helped and if you need any information from me I'll gladly share it.
I just looked at another userscript and this is the solution!
(function wrapper(window, injectNeeded, undefined) {
// Script injection if needed.
if (injectNeeded) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = '(' + wrapper + ')(window, false)';
var $,
$ = jQuery = window.jQuery;
console.log($('a').length + "links on this page.");
})(this.unsafeWindow || window, window.chrome ? true : false);
Source: https://raw.github.com/cletusc/Userscript--Twitch-Chat-Emotes/master/script.user.js#bypass=true