I'm having some problems with a program that uses fwrite
and fread -> fread (void*, size_t, size_t, FILE*);
, when a set second size_t
as any number different than zero it doesn't works.
Here is the code; it doesn't works this way, if anyone could help I would appreciate.
P.S.: if I substitute that sc's on the read
and write
function it works, but not as expected.
#define TAM 10
#define sc 5
typedef struct str_score{
float scr;
char nome[TAM];
int main(){
FILE *arq;
int x;
score a[sc], i={0.00,"-empty-"};
if ((fopen("highscore.bin", "wb+"))==NULL){
perror("Erro na abertura do arquivo\n");
return 1;
fwrite(&i,sizeof(score), sc, arq);
fread(a ,sizeof(score), sc, arq);
for (x=0;x<sc;x++){
printf("%s %.2f", a[x].nome,a[x].scr);
return 0;
Since i
is not an array, the following line is not correct
fwrite(&i,sizeof(score), sc, arq);
This should be
fwrite(&i,sizeof(score), 1, arq);
You can write sc
number of elements, only when you have an initialized array of size sc
or more.
You are not accepting the return value of fopen
. Change your fopen
line to
if ((arq = fopen("highscore.bin", "wb+"))==NULL){
Between the fwrite
and fread
, put a
fseek(arq, 0, SEEK_SET);
This resets the file pointer to beginning of the file where you started writing.