I'm trying to use @modelAttribute to send my model attributes to the controller
my model contains many attributes (String, Integer,..) one of them is an object that i want to retrieve from a select tag. the problem is when i pass the modelattribute to the controller my object is Null
<form:form method="post" action="saveUorg.html" modelAttribute="uorg" >
<table >
<th>Nom abregé</th>
<th>Date début effet</th>
<th>Date fin effet</th>
<td><input path="nom" name="nom"/></td>
<td><input path="nomAbrege" name="nomAbrege"/></td>
<td><input path="timbre" name="timbre"/></td>
<td><input type="date" path="dateDebutEffet" name="dateDebutEffet"/></td>
<td><input type="date" path="dateFinEffet" name="dateFinEffet"/></td>
<table >
<th>Unité père</th>
<td><input path="email" name="email"/></td>
<td><select path="refUniteOrganisParent">
<option value="-"> --- </option>
<c:forEach items="${listeuos}" var="uorgg" varStatus="status" >
<option value="${uorgg}">${uorgg} </option>
this is my controller
@RequestMapping(value ="/saveUorg", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView saveUorg(@ModelAttribute("uorg") UorgVO uorg,BindingResult result){
System.out.println("RefUniteOrganisParent:" +uorg.getRefUniteOrganisParent());
return new ModelAndView("view","uorg",uorg);
refUniteOragnisParent is the null object, when i print the content result in my controller of uorg.refUniteOrganisParent the result is null. Thank's in advance for help.
First your select
tag does not have a name attribute.
Second when a form is submitted the controller only gets strings. Spring has to convert every parameter to the type you want. It has built-in converters for simple types like Integer
or Boolean
, but not for complex types, not to mention your own types.
So if the attribute refUniteOrganisParent
is an object and only represented by a single value (the option
value) you need to implement a converter that creates an instance based on this value:
public class StringToMyType implements Converter<String, MyType> { ...
And you need to register your Converter: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.2.x/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html#mvc-config-customize