so my question today is about updating a jQuery modal so it can be called from a button in a loaded sub template.
In my case I'm using the 2kb PopEasy modal. In my Pyramid project I have the modal sitting on the top of the main template. The button which opens the modal is sitting on a sub page template that is loaded into the main template.
<body id="body-dashboard">
<div id="modalrequest" class="modal">
<section id="intro-request">
<h1>The Modal</h1>
The generated markup on the loaded template page:
<td class="table-request-btn incoming-icon">
<a href="#modalrequest" class="modalLink">Request Intro</a>
<button class="modalLink" href="#modalrequest">Request Intro</button>
Now currently the way the Modal jQuery is setup, I'm not able to get it to work. #body-dashboard
is the id of the main container in the main template. And .modalLink
is the class on the button that is inside of the loaded template.
// PopEasy for Request Intro
var modalObj = $('#body-dashboard');
//var modalObj = $('.modalLink');
if (modalObj.length && modalObj.modal) {
trigger: '.modalLink',
animationEffect: 'fadeIn',
animationSpeed: 400,
moveModalSpeed: 'slow',
background: '000',
opacity: 0.8,
openOnLoad: false,
docClose: true,
closeByEscape: true,
moveOnScroll: true,
resizeWindow: true,
Now when I first encountered this problem I remembered an older issue I had with trying to target a dynamically created class.
This was the solution:
$("body").on("click", ".register_unselected", function(){});
I was able to use that technique to get my loaded template buttons to fire off an alert:
$("#body-dashboard").on("click", ".modalLink", function(){
alert('this works!');
However I'm still having no luck trying to use the same thing on the modal
var modalObj = $('#body-dashboard .modalLink');
trigger: '#body-dashboard .modalLink',
How would you approach this problem? Do you need to see more code?
You have to call modal init function after the new template is loaded.