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IllegalAccessError when running Unit Test with EMMA for Android app

Why am I getting a IllegalAccessError when trying to run my test project with code coverage?

I get the following error when running ant.

host:MyAppTest mach$ ant clean emma instrument install test


 [echo] Running tests ...
 [exec] com.example.myapp.test.MyClassTest:.
 [exec] Error in testMyMethod:
 [exec] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
 [exec]     at com.example.myapp.test.MyClassTest.testMyMethod(
 [exec]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
 [exec]     at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
 [exec]     at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
 [exec]     at android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart(
 [exec]     at$
 [exec] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class ref in pre-verified class resolved to unexpected implementation
 [exec]     at com.example.myapp.MyClass.$VRi(
 [exec]     at com.example.myapp.MyClass.<clinit>(
 [exec]     ... 13 more

I have a class in my App

public class MyClass {
    public boolean myMethod(int i) {
        return true;

And a test class in my Test App

public class MyClassTest extends AndroidTestCase {
    public void testMyMethod() {
        MyClass a = new MyClass();  // <--- THIS MAKES THE TEST FAIL
                                    // If I remove this line it runs
                                    // successfully but does not test anything...

I have created my two ant build.xml with the following parameters

host:MyApp mach$ android update project --path $PWD --name MyApp --target android-16 --subprojects

host:MyAppTest mach$ android update test-project --main ../MyApp --path ./


  • Found the answer - I tried to instrument the unit test as well.

    So here is the short version of successfully building a Unit test and getting code coverage

    In Eclipse, for your project, open Properties->Java Build Path and select the "Libraries"-tab. Press "Add External JARs..." and select emma.jar form your SDK.([...]/sdk/tools/lib/emma.jar)

    Select the "Order and Export" tab and select to export emma.jar.

    Open a terminal and change directory to the root of your project-to-be-tested.

    android update project --path $PWD --name [YOUR PROJECT NAME] --target android-17 --subprojects

    Create a test project.

    android create test-project -m ../ -n MyAppTest -p tests

    Write your test cases in the new test project

    When it is time to test first build a instrumented build of the project-to-be-tested and then build and execute the tests

    ant clean instrument
    cd tests
    ant debug emma install test

    You will find the coverage report in tests/bin
