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Copy java object/class from one classloader to another classloader

Hi is there a way to copy one class loaded context (atrributes etc) from one classloader (for instance a 'made' class Point) to another classloader?

Making clear, Example: I have an object Point on CL 1. Now running on another CL2, I want to creat this object in CL 3.

Some obj:

class Point {
int x;
int y;
public Point() {}
//getters and setters


class CL2 {

// Running on CL 2
// Point obj from CL 1
Object point = gotFromCL1();

// Want to create the object on Cl2
Object pointCL2 = point.conversion();

But I can't use sun.reflection (not available) and serialization doesn't work since CL2 automatically "reconstruct" the object with CL 1.

One solution that I tought was do an "100%" java reflection rconstruct, basically getting the fields of object from CL2 and setting up on the new obj.

PS: It needs to run on Java 1.4.2 :'(


  • See Transloader on how to copy classes between ClassLoaders if you need to do one of the following:

    • Clone almost any object graph from one ClassLoader to another

    • Take any object from a foreign ClassLoader and invoke any method on it without cloning it