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zclip code copies blank string instead of the contents of text field


    <input type="text" id="description"></input>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
        $(document).ready(function() {
                path: '',
                copy: $(text#description).text()
    <button type="button"><a id='copy' href="#">Copy</a></button>


I think i have it mostly figured out but i don't know why its not working... could you help me out? Instead of zero clipboard i used another library called zclip ( here's my code : thanks in advance! Ps I want to make it so after you click the button it copies the text in the text feild to your clipboard.


  • Your code isn't syntactically valid: the selector string is not delimited by quotes.

    copy: $('text#description').text()

    Your selector is also invalid. It's trying to select a <text> element, when you should be selecting an <input> element. Since you've got an ID already, there's no reason to write a more-specific selector, anyway.

    copy: $('#description').text()

    You also need to get the text to copy when the button is clicked, not when the page loads.

    copy: function() {
        return $('#description').text();

    But we're dealing with a form input field, so use .val() instead of .text():

    copy: function() {
        return $('#description').val();

    and lastly, you need to set up the fiddle correctly.

    Here's a working demo: