I am getting a warning in my GTMHTTPUploadFetcher.m file that says "-fetcherWithRequest:fetcherClass" not found (return type defaults to "id")
for this code
+ (GTMHTTPUploadFetcher *)uploadFetcherWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
fetcherService:(GTMHTTPFetcherService *)fetcherService {
// Internal utility method for instantiating fetchers
GTMHTTPUploadFetcher *fetcher;
if (fetcherService) {
fetcher = [fetcherService fetcherWithRequest:request
} else {
fetcher = (GTMHTTPUploadFetcher *) [self fetcherWithRequest:request];
return fetcher;
and then I get an error involving the Foundation Framework
Parse Issue expected expression
//this is where the expected expression is
- (void)uploadNextChunkWithOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
fetcherProperties:(NSMutableDictionary *)props {
// upload another chunk
NSUInteger chunkSize = [self chunkSize];
NSString *rangeStr, *lengthStr;
NSData *chunkData;
NSUInteger dataLen = [self fullUploadLength];
if (offset == kQueryServerForOffset) {
// resuming, so we'll initially send an empty data block and wait for the
// server to tell us where the current offset really is
chunkData = [NSData data];
rangeStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"bytes */%lu", (unsigned long)dataLen];
lengthStr = @"0";
offset = 0;
} else {
// uploading the next data chunk
**//this is the exact line of code causing the problem//**
(unsigned long)NSAssert2(offset < dataLen, @"offset %lu exceeds data length %lu",
offset, dataLen);
NSUInteger thisChunkSize = chunkSize;
// if the chunk size is bigger than the remaining data, or else
// it's close enough in size to the remaining data that we'd rather
// avoid having a whole extra http fetch for the leftover bit, then make
// this chunk size exactly match the remaining data size
BOOL isChunkTooBig = (thisChunkSize + offset > dataLen);
BOOL isChunkAlmostBigEnough = (dataLen - offset < thisChunkSize + 2500);
if (isChunkTooBig || isChunkAlmostBigEnough) {
thisChunkSize = dataLen - offset;
chunkData = [self uploadSubdataWithOffset:offset
rangeStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"bytes %lu-%u/%lu",
(unsigned long)offset, offset + thisChunkSize - 1, (unsigned long)dataLen];
lengthStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", (unsigned long)thisChunkSize];
//related to this
! expanded from macro 'NSAssert2'
#define NSAssert2(condition, desc, arg1, arg2) NSAssert((condition), (desc), (arg1), (arg2))
! expanded from macro 'NSAssert'
#if !defined(_NSAssertBody)
#define NSAssert(condition, desc, ...) \
do { \
if (!(condition)) { \
[[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler] handleFailureInMethod:_cmd \
object:self file:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] \
lineNumber:__LINE__ description:(desc), ##__VA_ARGS__]; \
} \
} while(0)
Only started getting the error after I updated Xcode (not to new version just update)
anyone have any suggestions not sure these two are related or not so will post this second part separately.
Solved this by going into time machine and resurrecting the old .m file and replacing it. It no doesn't give me an error, however I can't upload video because of MIME type problem, but that's another post.
Solved this by going into time machine and resurrecting the old .m file and replacing it.