My problem is that I got 2 aspx controls generated like this :
<a id="sortByDate" href="javascript:__doPostBack('sortByDate','')">Date</a>
<a id="sortByLastName" href="javascript:__doPostBack('sortByLastName','')">Last name</a>
so those links allow you to sort the results. I'm trying to put this in a combobox instead of using links.
So I made it like this
<select id="sortBySelect" onchange="javascript:sortBy(this);">
<option value="sortByLastName">Last name</option>
<option value="sortByDate">Date</option>
with this javascript function
function sortBy(sel) {
var id = sel.value;
$("#" + id).trigger("click");
So when you change the selected element in the combobox I want to trigger the click event on the link to call the dopostback to sort.
It does nothing so far. I tried "click", "onclick", "onClick" and nothing works. Unfortunately, this is for IE quirks mode.
I know, this is really not elegant, but I'm really short in time and I need something quick and dirty. I will make an aspx control eventually to handle this nicely.
Any ideas how I could make this work in ie quirks mode?
Thank you
Try changing the location of the page:
document.location = $("#" + id).attr('href');