after updating ADT i had lots of issues and deleted my Workspace and recloned everything with git and got a newer HoloEverywhere revision (dont know previous revision, but i want to use latest).
I had to check my libs in BuildPath/Order and had to fix all compiler errors (like changing imports from org.holoeverywhere.arrayadapter to org.holoeverywhere.widget.arrayadapter), and now everything except my PreferenceFragments is working again.
How i make the PreferenceFragments work again?
When i start a activity, which attaches the PreferenceFragment via
.replace(, new SettingsFragment()).commit();
i get a blank Activity.
The PreferenceFragment is also pretty simple: only
in onCreate (i have also one with dynamic Preferences, dont work also -> not a xml problem)
anything worked before i updated ADT/HoloEverywhere
what can i do to make the PreferenceFragments work again? Logcat does not say anything special and i have also added the PreferenceFramework (as i did also before);
the problem was that does not exist anylonger in the view hierarchy. i just setContentView'ed to a layout with a empty framelayout and a custom id and used that id instead of
in most tutorials it shows the method with, but it seems to not be the correct way :)