In Java I create Locale with Language and Country parameters and then use appropriate date formats.
However Java does not support all Language_Country combinations and fallbacks to default locale formats (in my case en_US).
Is there a way to determine that fallback occured?
When I create locale with Locale locale = new Locale("xx","xx");
returns M/d/yy
so it fallbacks to en_US.
So i need something like
You can check that the locale is one of the available locales:
Set<Locale> locales = new HashSet<>();
Collections.addAll(locales, Locale.getAvailableLocales());
Locale locale = new Locale("xx", "xx");
System.out.println(locales.contains(locale)); //prints false
locale = new Locale("fr", "FR");
System.out.println(locales.contains(locale)); //prints true