I write a code to integrate a shopping cart with quickbooks, using quickbooks web connector. The problem is when i try to find out if there is a customer in quickbooks filtered by name and email. I tried with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="9.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="continueOnError">
<FullName>Mladen Petrov</FullName>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
But it returned me an error. Is there a way to find quickbooks customer by Name and email, or i have to get all the QB customers and somehow store them to my db with their QB ids?
Thanks guys. I found another usable solution:
In the field FullName i put FullName (Email). That way i have unique user by full name and email. Other fields (First, Last Name and Contact are filled properly).
But just be sure that fullName + email are below 41 chars (this is the field limit).