I have created Invoice using this code : https://github.com/intuit/QuickBooks-V3-PHP-SDK/blob/master/src/_Samples/InvoiceCreate.php
But how can make this invoice as paid using PHP sdk?
Here I am getting payment using paper check ... so I am creating Invoice just for bookkeeping and not sending to client. ( not using QBO Payment ) so when I rec payment how to mark invoice as paid using php sdk ?
I try to update "Balance" as 0 but its not marking as paid.
First I'd really recommend you use The library written by Keith Palmer for this as the QBO documentation is garbage that's all over the place.
With that being said:
You need to return the transaction Id from the invoice:
return $resultingObj->TxnId;
And then create a payment using supplying that transaction id:
$invoiceId = CreateInvoice(); //returns txnId above
$qbLinkedInvoice = new IPPLinkedTxn();
$qbLinkedInvoice->TxnId = $invoiceId;
$qbLinkedInvoice->TxnType = 'Invoice';
$qbLine = new IPPLine();
$qbLine->Amount = "";//set amount;
$qbLine->LinkedTxn = $qbLinkedInvoice;
$qbPayment = new IPPPayment();
$qbPayment->CustomerRef = "";//customer id
$qbPayment->TotalAmt = "";//I think this must match amount above;
$qbPayment->Line = array($qbLine);
$createdQbPayment = $this->dataService->Add($qbPayment);