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Need Suggestion on Smart GWT

Begin new to Smart GWT framework, I need your valuable comments before I start working on the new project.

  1. Do I need to have hands on experience on Java, before working with Smart GWT?
  2. Basically, I'm a UI Developer and I don't have much experience in working with java. So is there any good tutorial to learn Smart GWT?
  3. What are the basic steps up to learn Smart GWT?


    1. Yes, the Java is necessary for Smart GWT. Despite the fact that you can use declaratively defined datasources for data binding and UI can be modeled by XMLs (UiBinder) a lot of common glue stuff have to be done still in plain old Java.

    2. An easy way to learn Smart GWT is to open the showcase, find an example what you like and click on View Source button. If you are a JavaScript devel, you can use directly the SmartClient library, because Smart GWT is a Java wrapper of it.

    3. see 2. :)

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