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lvlc-qt missing compilation error

I'm trying to make demo-player work from vlc github, I load the pro file, specify the supposed directory of the vlc-qt lib (I've tried a lot a directories btw) but still no way to get things done. I've tried on both Ubuntuand Mac Os... Here's my pro file:

TARGET      = demo-player
TEMPLATE    = app

QT          += core gui

SOURCES     += main.cpp\

HEADERS     += DemoPlayer.h

FORMS       += DemoPlayer.ui

# Edit below for custom library location
LIBS     += -L/home/VBB/Documents/vlc-2.0.7/lib/ -lvlc-qt -lvlc-qt-widgets
INCLUDEPATH += /home/VBB/Documents/vlc-2.0.7/include/ \

and the compilation message

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvlc-qt /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvlc-qt-widgets

by the way on Ubuntu I've tried

sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev

but it ain't change nothing.

edit : If this can help

VBB@VBB-VirtualBox:~$ sudo find / -name "libvlc-qt*"


  • What you need to specify after -L is the location of the following two .so files:

    ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/vlc-test/vlc-qt/build$ find -iname \*.so

    Normally you compile those libraries, by following this section in

        $ mkdir build
        $ cd build
        $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=prefix
        $ make