One of the conditions for showing some UI controls in my Setup application is based on whether a file exists.
This check can't be done through custom actions since even the OnBeforeInstall event happens after install, and the dialog I want to alter is shown before that.
If I was using WiX it would be simple as
<Property Id="FILEEXISTS">
<DirectorySearch Id="CheckFileDir"
<FileSearch Id="CheckFile"
Name="Filename.ext" />
How to do it without WiX?
You'll need a post build JScript for your MSI file. Or you can do it manually in Orca.
var installer = WScript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer");
var filespec = WScript.Arguments(0);
var msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1;
var database = installer.OpenDatabase(filespec, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact);
Execute("INSERT INTO `AppSearch` (`Property`, `Signature_`) VALUES ('FILEEXISTS', 'CheckFile')");
Execute("INSERT INTO `DrLocator` (`Signature_`, `Parent`) VALUES ('CheckFile', 'CheckFileDir')");
Execute("INSERT INTO `DrLocator` (`Signature_`, `Path`, `Depth`) VALUES ('CheckFileDir', '[CommonAppDataFolder]Manufacturer\\Product', 0)");
Execute("INSERT INTO `Signature` (`Signature`, `FileName`) VALUES ('CheckFile', 'Filename.ext')");
function Execute(sql) {
view = database.OpenView(sql);